hovde web head10
nwologo go button
A division of Tom Hovde, Inc.
art go button

From simple line to computer generated, creating characters move from the head to the hand and come from the heart, with Tom's design experience become functional personalities.

Portfolio selections of Tom Hovde's design work.

samples idsample1Cartoon creation sample2Characters in logos & graphics

parking trucksbless u kids
Logos go button
brochures go button
posters go button
web go button
illustation go button
cartoon go button
photography go button
fine art go button
about tom hovde
Copyright © 2008 by Tom Hovde, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced or used in any form without written permission from Tom Hovde, Inc.
1814 Broadway • Bellingham, WA 98225 • Phone: 360.676.0667 • e-mail: tom@hovdegraphics.com